Yesterday My Handsome and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. 8 years sounds so long, and to be honest I don't remember what life was like without him, but it's hard to believe it has been so long. I've been married almost a decade. It has been 8 years of blissful bumps and bruises. I make it sound awful, it's not. But anyone who tells you "happily ever after" comes easily is lying or a newlywed.
We spent last weekend up at Handsome's grandma's house for a family weekend. His sister is moving across the country at the end of the summer and his brother is planning a European backpacking trip this coming winter. My in-laws wanted to have a family weekend before everyone left town. After this really fun (but ridiculously hot) weekend we left Squirrelly Girl up there to spend some time with her Great Grandma. And because it was our anniversary my father-in-law volunteered to take the big boys up to the lake last night, keep them overnight, and bring all 3 home today.
Last night Handsome and I went to Osaka for dinner, then came home and worked on a puzzle together (we're super exciting, I know). I'm a little disappointed we scratched our plans for a walk, but it was just too blasted hot. We were going to go for a walk at the county park where we did much of our courtship. It was a nice night.
I expected the kids to be home by lunchtime, but they weren't. Handsome went to work today (even though it is a holiday because we want Friday off instead) so it was just the baby and me. I slept in, then picked up a friend for coffee. We hung out at Starbucks for a bit then I came home and watched "Sister Wives" for the first time and knitted our guest cat a catnip mouse.
I can't remember the last time I had a day off where I just relaxed. I had a day or two at New Year's but I spent the entire time cleaning and organizing like a crazy woman. After the stress this spring held for me, it was amazing today to just chill and not worry about things.
There's always something to worry about, isn't there? The dishes, the laundry, did I pay that bill, *can* I pay that bill, where are the kids, feeding the kids, prepping dinner, the list goes on. But today I took care of myself. I forget to most of the time. Everyone else's needs are louder so they get met first. I can put my nose to the grind and deal with being neglected for a long time, or rationalize why I don't get to go out. But today I did.
And watching "Sister Wives", seeing the way they value family, (though I don't wish for a polygamist lifestyle) helped me to put things in perspective. It made me remember what kind of family I want. I was more patient with my kids tonight, I was more loving. And taking care of myself is critical if I want to stay in that peaceful, loving place.
I'm thankful for my brief respite. I think I needed it.
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