That pretty much sums it up. I have had trouble with it since I was pregnant with my little Boy Blue. I have had a few attacks since, my last being in December when we were staying on post for Handsome's army Christmas party. Gallbladder attacks have happened mostly in the middle of the night and are excruciating. Severe pain in my upper right quadrant, sometimes it starts under my shoulderblade and radiates forward. I get sweaty and am so uncomfortable, no position helps. And no matter how tired I am, I can't sleep through it. I can sometimes nap between the surges, but that's about it.
In between I have flares. It's a dull ache under my right shoulder blade and sometimes my right ribcage. It takes awhile for me to recognize it as my gallbladder sometimes, I'll think it's my back misaligned or some other digestive trouble. Taking a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and lemon juice tends to help, as well as that digestive enzyme I talked about yesterday.
This morning I drank my smoothie and sure enough... a flare started shortly after. I didn't take the digestive enzyme today because I wanted to see the severity of it. It's making me cranky but isn't getting bad. In fact I often notice I'm having a flare when I realize I'm getting cranky from being uncomfortable.
I have read some things that are supposed to help - apples, lemon, flaxseed oil and tea (I may go make some of that), and most recently peppermint oil and turmeric. Beet root and ox bile are the two other things I've read but I can't find them locally. I'm placing a bulk order for coconut oil from Wilderness Family Naturals and they carry some herbs. I'm ordering beet root and some herbs that are supposed to stimulate bile production - dandelion and marshmallow roots - and milk thistle for inflammation.
I'm hoping to work these things into my diet and get my gallbladder operating properly. I emailed with one woman who saw a naturopath for her gallbladder years ago and hasn't had any problems since. She has no flares and doesn't have to avoid trigger foods. I should call the naturopath and see what her fees are. Sure would be nice to be done with this!
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