Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Things We Do For Heath

I feel like these past few weeks I'm on a slow journey back to health. I've been on top of my dishes, the floors are less cluttered, I've signed up for financial coaching through Money For Life and am using the Mvelopes system for budgeting. Oh, and I'm feeling like cooking again!

I like the principles of the Weston A Price Foundation and Nourishing Traditions, which is all about eating whole foods, fermented foods, and coconut oil. I've been making kefir and got a new scoby last week to restart my kombucha. I'm thinking about making my own yogurt and going back to some raw dairy.

Well all that sounds great, right? I mean I'm not much for organ meat but I can blend it up and mix it in something. And bone broth is simple enough to make, I just need to get back into the habit of making whole chickens. So what's the big "thing" we do for health?

Oil pulling. Ever heard of it? I hadn't either. The basic premise is you put oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. Yes, twenty. The oil seeps down around your teeth, where a tooth brush can't go, and gets bacteria out of pockets within your gums. These bacteria can let off toxins and cause chronic pain and other issues in your body. This page has some good information on it and convinced me to try it.

So how was it, you ask? I'll tell you later.

About 3 years ago I started having gallbladder problems. One of the remedies I found online was a lemon juice/olive oil cleanse. I did it one night and seemed to have success so thought I'd do it again the next night for good measure. Bad plan. I was still nauseous from the previous night's experience and drinking that concoction again on an already queasy stomach pushed me over the edge. I puked. And ever since then warm oil squicks me out.

Which brings me back to oil pulling this morning. Warm oil. I nearly got sick as soon as the sunflower oil hit my lips, but I held on. My 6yo was watching me and I wanted him to do it too, so mama had to look strong! I swished for awhile, got over the nausea, and thought "Hey, this isn't so bad!" Then I looked at the timer. 17 minutes, I had been only swishing for 3. My son was watching a movie, he popped up and looked at me with hopeful eyes twice, both times I had to tell him no, keep going.

We both made it through though. We swished and swooshed for 20 full minutes, we didn't even cheat. We're going to do it every day until he leaves for the boundary waters, I'm hoping it'll improve both our oral health. I'll report if I notice much difference in how I'm feeling, I'm interested to see if head or back aches could lessen, energy might pick up, and mostly between this and some dietary changes I'm hoping some of my cavities might start healing. In the meantime, bottom's up!

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