Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meal Plan 3/26-4/1

So it's a little late to start my meal plan for the week, but here goes.  I feel like it's logical to do Monday through Sunday or Sunday through Saturday, but according to my new schedule I'll be running errands and grocery shopping on Tuesday, meal planning on Monday.  So in this case it seems to make sense to do it Tuesday through Monday, or even Wednesday through Tuesday.  Hmm.  I'll have to think about it.  So here you go, my first published meal plan.  Ever.

Tuesday: leaving blank since it's 1 already, maybe I'll gather inspiration at the store
Wednesday: dinner at parents'
Thursday: Red Lentil Soup
Friday: Sourdough Pasties - crust, guts, double recipe and freeze some pasties
Saturday: noodle-less Lasagna Soup (reducing grains 'round these parts and I think it'll be good even without the noodles)
Sunday: Easter
Monday: Chicken Lasagna

I originally had chicken cordon bleu on Monday but some of the ingredients are similar for the lasagna soup and they're a very different dish so I think it'll be fine.  Plus I need to buy far less for the chicken lasagna than I do for the cordon bleu.  I'll put that on next week's menu.

I should've prefaced this with the fact that I've been FLYing these last 3 weeks. I decided to start from the beginning and really do her program step by step. I've fallen off the wagon a bit (due to a personal project with a deadline) with reading my daily page and I don't always do everything, but my kitchen sink has been clean and shiny for 22 days, and that's saying something!  I'll elaborate in a new post on where I've been.  It has been a dark year, but I have light now.  And light is marvelous!

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