Monday, August 23, 2010


I started my new job today. I. Am. So. Tired. I was up at 6, showered, packed a lunch, dug up my ss card, got kids' clothes and diapers ready, got my pump together, woke and dressed the kids, and headed out. I dropped the kids at my friend's, who lives 5 min from my store, tried to feed Baby Blue one last time and was at work at 7:30am. I trained all morning, left at 11:30 for lunch and drove over to feed BB on my lunch, went back to the store and worked until 4pm. I picked up the kids, fed BB again, and headed home to make dinner. After that? Mmm, nothing. I've nursed BB a bunch of times, read the forums for my online class, and farted around on my laptop.

Yes, I should be cleaning because I have a babysitter coming over tomorrow but you know what? I'm exhausted. Yes, there are loads of moms who do this every day - work 8hrs and then do all the "mom" stuff each night. This, however, is not my norm. Dh had drill tonight so he left around 6:15 and didn't get home until 9:15. He came home and I had started getting the kids ready for bed. He kicked me downstairs and said he'd get all 3 to bed (BB was pretty much already asleep, so mostly it is just the 2 "big kids"). I so appreciate the gesture, especially since I'll be the first to admit I hate bedtime, but I just want to sleep. I don't even want to sit down here and knit (this means there's something really wrong in my world), I just want to go to bed.

Fortunately I don't start until 11 tomorrow, but I may need to run to the grocery store. The more I think about it though the more I suspect they may get a very late breakfast of eggs with sausage or pancakes. None of those would require a trip to the grocery store and I plan on sleeping as long as possible tomorrow.

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